Expert Witnesses are a dwindling commodity

Colorado has drastically reduced expert witness fees in workers’ compensation matters resulting in many physicians being unwilling to assist in the defense of such claims. As an example, there is presently only one level II Accredited neurosurgeon in Colorado to assist in complex medical-legal issues. Further, Toxicologists and Infectious Disease specialists are extremely difficult to find to provide such assistance, unless your attorney has already forged these relationships and has knowledge of these specialists to assist in claims. Many attorneys in Colorado handling workers’ compensation claims, have not developed a cadre of willing expert witnesses, and are not in a position to adequately represent their clients.

The Kitch Law Firm, P.C., with its 37 years handling workers’ compensation claims has developed lengthy and strong relationships with numerous and necessary experts. This factor has been of substantial value in securing reasonable settlements in difficult and complex claims, as well as securing favorable outcomes at trial for this firm’s clients.